
Friday Briefing – The New York Times

Friday Briefing – The New York Times

Related media - Associated media Hamas hinted at progress on a cease-fire A Hamas leader said yesterday that the group was studying Israel’s latest cease-fire proposal with a “positive spirit,” raising hopes of progress in the stalled efforts for a truce. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’s political wing, said that a delegation would travel to Cairo to discuss the cease-fire. The current deal would include a weekslong truce and the release of hostages held by Hamas and of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. The proposal would also allow civilians to return to northern Gaza and would enable increased delivery…
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¿Entrará el Girona en esta lista? Los grandes ‘tapados’ de la historia de la Champions

¿Entrará el Girona en esta lista? Los grandes ‘tapados’ de la historia de la Champions

Linked media - Connected media La clasificación para la próxima Champions de equipos como el Girona, Brest o el Bolonia, que vivirán su primera experiencia en Europa, abre el baúl de los recuerdos para muchos aficionados que disfrutaron con participaciones de equipos poco habituales en la competición reina, pero que fueron sencillamente históricos. A continuación, repasamos algunos casos concretos de este siglo. Empecemos por la edición 2003/04. Junto a Real Madrid y Real Sociedad, el Deportivo de la Coruña participaba en una Champions por tercera vez en su historia, y se quedaron muy cerca de besar la gloria. DEPORTIVO DE…
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Los 7 bulos más extendidos sobre el asma

Los 7 bulos más extendidos sobre el asma

Associated media - Related media Son muchas las falsas creencias que todavía existen en torno al asma, sus causas, los tratamientos y el diagnóstico. Esto supone un gran obstáculo para las personas que padecen esta enfermedad, ya que les resulta más complicado conocer la forma adecuada de mantener bajo control los síntomas. El doctor Luis Manuel Entrenas Costa, jefe de Neumología del Hospital Quirónsalud Córdoba, insiste en que es importante prestar más atención a esta enfermedad, y escapar de «creencias equivocadas que no benefician a los pacientes». Te ayudamos a derribar los 7 falsos bulos más populares sobre esta enfermedad…
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Celebra el Día de Star Wars con sus tres trilogías en Blu-ray, ahora con descubrimiento en Amazon

Celebra el Día de Star Wars con sus tres trilogías en Blu-ray, ahora con descubrimiento en Amazon

Connected media - Associated media La saga creada por George Lucas tiene su día este 4 de mayo y entre las muchas opciones de regalos que puedes encontrar, la recopilación de todas sus ofertas es la más atractiva disney Guerra de las Galaxias Todo es un fenómeno de masas a más de 40 años de pasar a la pantalla grande. La saga intergaláctica más popular del mundo ha sabido superar el ritmo del tiempo transcurrido en la gran base de fans que acudió a la raíz de su primera trilogía. Años después verás más películas y si quieres hacer negocios…
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Prevención del cáncer de cérvix

Prevención del cáncer de cérvix

Connected media - Connected media ¿Sabes cómo prevenir el cáncer de cérvix, también llamado cáncer de cuello de útero? La incidencia de este tumor ginecológico ha ido disminuyendo gracias a la incorporación de programas de detección precoz o screening y a la vacunación del VPH o papiloma humano, que es la principal causa de este tumor. No conviene olvidar que en la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino deben participar ambos miembros de la pareja, ya que tanto hombres como mujeres pueden verse afectados por la infección del virus del VPH. En este artículo te hablamos de las medidas preventivas…
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UN Official Presses for Urgent Action on Gaza Aid: Israel-Hamas War Live Updates

UN Official Presses for Urgent Action on Gaza Aid: Israel-Hamas War Live Updates

Associated media - Linked media Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said on Wednesday that protests at U.S. universities against Israel’s war in Gaza were “horrific” and should be stopped, using his first public comments on the subject to castigate the student demonstrators and portray them as antisemitic.Mr. Netanyahu’s comments could harden division over the demonstrations. They could also give ammunition to Republican leaders who have criticized the protesters and accused university administrators and Democrats of failing to protect Jewish students from attack. “What’s happening in America’s college campuses is horrific,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading…
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The NATO Welcoming Sweden Is Larger, More Determined

The NATO Welcoming Sweden Is Larger, More Determined

Linked media - Associated media Still, with Hungary finally voting for Sweden’s accession to NATO, at last the pieces are falling into place for a sharply enhanced NATO deterrent in the Baltic and North Seas, with greater protection for the frontline states of Finland, Norway and the Baltic nations, which border Russia. Once Hungary hands in a letter certifying parliamentary approval to the U.S. State Department, Sweden will become the 32nd member of NATO, and all the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, with the exception of Russia, will be part of the alliance. “Sweden brings predictability, removing any uncertainty about…
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How a Little Understood U.N. Court Became the Center of the Israel-Gaza Debate

How a Little Understood U.N. Court Became the Center of the Israel-Gaza Debate

Linked media - Linked media Israel denied the allegations, arguing that statements by Israeli government and military officials were taken out of context, and that its military has taken steps to preserve civilian lives. After the hearings, the Israeli government declassified a set of 30 secret orders which it said showed the effort to minimize casualties. . Just under a month after the case was filed, the court issued a series of “provisional measures,” similar to a temporary injunction, ordering Israel to refrain from genocidal acts, to prevent and punish incitement and to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. The court,…
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Lead-Tainted Applesauce Highlights Failings in Food Safety System

Lead-Tainted Applesauce Highlights Failings in Food Safety System

Related media - Related media Early last summer, Nicole Peterson and Thomas Duong were alarmed by their young children’s blood-lead levels in a routine screening. Within weeks, the levels had doubled. Ms. Peterson said the couple worked with the local health department as they tried to determine what could be hurting their children. We “weren’t sleeping and we’re not eating — like this is driving us crazy,” said Ms. Peterson. She and her husband are suing Dollar Tree, where they bought the applesauce, and WanaBana, a U.S. distributor led by Austrofood officers. A Dollar Tree spokeswoman said the company is…
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Bosnia Was Once Emptied by War and Now Faces Peacetime Emigration

Bosnia Was Once Emptied by War and Now Faces Peacetime Emigration

Linked media - Linked media “It is evident that people are leaving all parts of the country,” said Emir Kremic, the director general of Bosnia’s state statistics agency. But how many have gone, he said, is not known with any precision, in a large part because it is not clear how many people remain. “We just don’t know how many people there are living here,” he said. For that, he added, “We need a new census.” That, however, is not something ethnonationalist politicians, fearful of the results, want. Bosnia’s three main ethnic groups — Muslim Bosniaks, Orthodox Christian Serbs and…
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